I am a certified Quantum Healer. Trained personally by the unparalleled expertise and mentorship of Juanpa Barahona and Regan Hillyer. I create magical experiences for people to realize themselves. I have spent over a decade creating elevated experiences through group environments and private work with personal clients. Quantum healing is the ultimate and perfect energy medicine to fuel the transformational and mind expanding services I am offering the world. My intention is to assist you in bringing in the desires for your life at quantum speed. Quantum Healing is about opening up to all that you are. It is my honor to be a channel of the Quantum field for you.
"As a person involved in the healing arts for many years I am very specific when it comes to allowing other healers to work with my energy. Danielle’s work is embedded with my trust. She is a clear and neutral channel for healing to come through and take place. Her presence will directly connect you to source and yourself. After receiving several transmissions of quantum healing I feel aligned, grounded, connected, refreshed, and reconstructed with higher energy levels embodied with a sense of purpose through day to day responsibilities. I recommend her work specifically over anyone else because of her untainted integrity, profound ability to connect and channel as well as her natural state of wanting to help others expand and grow. Receiving from her is beyond a gift." ~Jereme Unruh
"My Quantum Healing with Danielle was a wonderful experience. I had no real idea what I was walking into but it really blew me away. She used different healing modalities and listened to what was truly bothering me. She gave me amazing insight into what I truly wanted to become. I will continue to recommend Danielle to everyone I know and work with her always." ~Zuzana Juhasova
"You know the feeling of being energetically STUCK and just not knowing why? Like you JUST can't seem to put your finger on it, figure it out, shift it and you spend a heck of a lot of time pulling you hair out and stressing about what exactly it is?
During and after my quantum healing session with Danielle, I just had this deep soul KNOWING that it shifted. Like this certainty beyond all certainty. That there was no need to figure out WHAT it was, where the pattern came from, how it had been holding me back. Because it was done. It was over with. It had been straightened out and taken care of in the quantum and that was all that needed to be said about it. I feel so much lighter and FREE to speak my truth and create all the things I am here to create.
I feel SO. MUCH. clarity, love, support and gratitude. And after just one session. Thank you Danielle! So much has shifted that I can't even begin to put into words. It's truly like stepping into the next level version of yourself, instantly!" ~Chloe Elizabeth